Distance Reiki
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing technique that promotes stress reduction and relaxation. The benefits of Reiki are infinite, as it increases physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A session typically results in the client feeling peaceful, refreshed, recharged, and positively glowing. Reiki is always safe and works well in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques and medical treatments.
A low cost group distance Reiki session is offered once a month. There is a different focus each month, but special intentions are always welcome. Participants receive healing energy remotely in the comfort and privacy of their own space, and intentions are prayed over. Clients can register to participate as needed or as a monthly subscription.
Private individual and group Reiki instruction is available upon request.
PSYCH-K® is a simple and effective technique that allows you to create the life you want by replacing negative and limiting beliefs with positive and supportive beliefs. As a facilitator, I simply guide and support you through this process. When you align your goals and beliefs, significant and lasting change becomes possible in all areas of your life.
Spiritual Readings
Receive intuitive guidance and healing messages from Spirit and connect with a deceased loved one. Readings can be psychic, mediumistic, or both, and the content of each reading depends entirely on Spirit. I offer these readings in Love and Light only, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, Angels, and my spirit guides. Every reading is a private and sacred time of connection with Spirit done with the sole intention of bringing healing. Allowing others to listen in is strongly discouraged as many of the messages are deeply personal.